Our Programs and Services

Witnessing young people in the UK firsthand struggle with unemployment and limited opportunities, coupled with alarming statistics, one in five feeling isolated and youth unemployment double the national average in some areas (Prince's Trust & House of Commons report, Sept-Nov 2023), solidifies the urgent need for support. This isolation and lack of opportunity translate to lost potential, hindered economic growth, and increased social burden

  • Education
  • Well-being
  • Community building

Empowering UK Youths

  • Education & Skills: Career readiness workshops, awards programs, financial literacy, and digital skills (e.g., coding, app development) in partnership with businesses and schools.

  • Mentorship & Support: A network of vetted mentors, counseling & referral services, and a support helpline for sensitive issues.

  • Entrepreneurship: workshops, resources, microloans, and financial guidance for starting small businesses.

Key Programs
  • Investing in youth: Fostering lifelong learning, mental health awareness, and career preparedness.

  • Building skills: Equipping young people with in-demand digital and soft skills.

  • Entrepreneurial spirit: encouraging business creation and financial independence.

  • Community support: providing a network of mentors and a safe space for young people.

Collaborating with a local youth center to deliver digital skills workshops and a funding pitch competition.

Example Partnership

Empowering Vulnerable Nigerians

Also witnessing the daily struggles of vulnerable widows in rural Nigeria, like their fight for healthcare and facing discrimination, fuelled our mission. Alarming statistics underscore the urgency: 17.5 million vulnerable orphans face poverty and health risks (Human Appeal, 2023), while vulnerable widows' mortality rate is 50% higher (Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, 2022).

Imagine a vulnerable widow battling illness alone, unable to provide for her orphaned children. This harsh reality faces millions in rural Nigeria. This vulnerable widowhood crisis fuels poverty jeopardizes children's health and education and hinders community development.Our charity steps in, empowering vulnerable widows with key services: healthcare access, livelihood skills

  • Uplift vulnerable widows

  • Orphans in rural Nigeria

  • Financial aid

  • Education

  • Healthcare

  • Christian guidiance

Key Programs
  • Grants: Empower vulnerable widows with small grants and financial training to start businesses and support families. (e.g., partner with women's cooperatives to provide farming equipment grants).

  • Scholarships: Ensure quality education for vulnerable orphans through scholarships.

  • Emergency Relief: Offer immediate financial aid for unexpected hardships, like medical emergencies.

  • Faith-based Support:

    • Safeguarding workshops and counselling sessions (opt-in, voluntary).

    • Health education workshops on FGM prevention, gender-based violence, and basic healthcare.

  • Healthcare Access:

    • Partner with churches and NGOs to deliver health education and basic healthcare services.

    • Develop culturally relevant health information materials. (e.g., partner with hospitals for mobile clinics in rural areas).

  • Financial empowerment: enabling vulnerable widows to provide for their families and build brighter futures.

  • Educational opportunities: ensuring vulnerable orphans receive quality education and reach their full potential.

  • Improved health and well-being: addressing healthcare needs and promoting healthy practices.

  • Spiritual support: offering guidance and counselling based on Christian values (opt-in).

By supporting our work, you directly impact lives, creating a better future for vulnerable youths, widows, and orphans.

There is an emphasis on the importance of monitoring and evaluating our activities in our charity organisation to ensure our programs are achieving their goals and making a lasting impact.