About Us

Cultivating Hope Across Continents

Global Hope Builders Network sprouted from witnessing the unwavering spirit of both disadvantaged youth in the UK and vulnerable communities in rural Nigeria. We believe hope can flourish anywhere, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and build a brighter future.

We go beyond temporary solutions. By providing resources, education, and opportunities, we equip individuals in both regions with the tools they need to thrive. Whether it's supporting young people in London or aiding a Nigerian village, we create a ripple effect of positive change. Join us in cultivating a world where hope flourishes, not just survives. Plant the seeds of a brighter tomorrow with the Global Hope Builders Network.

Mrs. Rita Eferemo
(Founding Chairperson / Welfare Coordinator)

Mr. Henry Eferemo
(Treasury / Accounting Coordinator)

Dr. Jane F. Chukwukere
(Programme Management Coordinator, Nigeria / Overseas)

Ms. Afolake Bello (Programme Management Coordinator UK)

Mr. Trevor Phiri (Global Secretary)

Mrs. Precious Agwunobi (Public Relations / Media Coordinator)

Bringing financial expertise and compassion to hope, Henry, our treasury/accounting Coordinator, goes beyond numbers. His 20+ years as a mental health nurse practitioner provide a deep understanding of the impact support services have on individuals and communities.

Leading with passion and expertise, founding chairperson, and qualified social worker, Rita embodies the spirit of the Global Hope Builders Network. Her journey began by empowering young people and vulnerable adults through social mentoring. Today, her welfare expertise ensures our organization delivers impactful support.

Championing gender equality and empowering communities: Dr. Jane embodies the spirit of Global Hope Builders Network. A humanitarian, social worker, and gender expert, she brings a wealth of experience to program management. From consulting with UN Women to her doctorate in Social Work Administration, Dr. Jane is dedicated to empowering the vulnerable.

Building brighter futures for youth, from corporate finance to social justice champion, Afolake brings diverse expertise and unwavering passion to our UK programs. Her journey started with financial analysis and budgeting, but a calling led her to empower children and young people.

Championing hope with faith and expertise, driven by faith and a passion for helping others, Trevor brings diverse skills to Global Hope Builders Network. His background in health and social care, paired with his accountancy and IT expertise, equip him to champion the well-being of vulnerable individuals.

Empowering futures with passion and expertise, public health champion and youth advocate, Precious fuels Global Hope Builders Network with passion and expertise. A graduate and practitioner with over 3 years of experience, she's driven by a desire to make a difference.

Our Team

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?”

– Martin Luther King Jr.